Main Subjects

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

First Post

Life is the greatest teacher, and experience will continue banging you on the head until you learn your lesson. The good part about all this is each person can share experiences, and maybe that will lead to less head banging, which means less bumps and bruises for those who pay attention.

This blog will contain my experiences and a whole bunch of information. I am not responsible for action you take because of reading this; always use common sense and give credit where it is due.

A couple of notes:

Always give credit where it is due, and if you're not sure to whom exactly to give it, don't assume the credit. There are billions of people on the planet, so likely there's not a lot of support for "intellectual property rights," but I am very strong on this issue: I'll give credit to whom it is due, even if it's only as much as, "I read somewhere." I hope you'll do the same.

"Recycling" is not the same as "Reusing/Repurposing/Upcycling," as some are sure to point out the technicalities. "Recycling" means you take something to a center where they use energy of some sort to make the item into something else, typically on the cell-level (I read this somewhere, but don't recall where because I read A LOT!). The latter terms are when you use your own energy to creatively use an item, whether by "refilling a water bottle until it's gross" or changing the item to be something else, typically on a functional level. I do both, as I believe it's the responsible thing to do. I'm not a "tree-hugger" or environmentalist, but I am for "Being Responsible" in all areas of one's life. Besides, the whole "Reuse/Repurpose/Upcycle" thing is cost-efficient, and I'm all about that!

Growing up poor gives you quite a perspective on life, especially what constitutes "need" and "want." Over time, if one does not remain poor, those meanings and perspectives can change or be lost. While time is passing, and I am far from my very humble beginnings, I never want to lose the perspective that being in poverty gave me. One of Life's many lessons I hope to retain.

That's enough blabber for now. At some point, I hope to organize the various things that I've learned and post "ideas" (I have a million ideas, but usually fail to follow through on them, for one reason or another), because they shouldn't necessarily go undocumented.

Enjoy the reading! :)


"Cedeham" is an acronym from my primary occupation, which is Chief Executive Domestic Engineer of Household Affairs and Management. Yup, that's right, I'm a big boss... and maybe those not in the know will begin to appreciate the finer aspects to being "just a housewife/mother."

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